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A montage of spreads from the book The Inclusive Co-Creative Ensemble. Texts, table of content and images of musicians.
Spreads from the book The Inclusive Co-Creative Ensemble

The Inclusive Co-creative Ensemble is now available for download!

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The book The Inclusive Co-creative Ensemble is now published and available for you to download as a PDF. The book is in English, but we hope to be able to publish it in more languages in the future.

We have two PDF-versions of the book available. One has fixed spreads for viewing the book at its best with large coherent images. The other PDF has regular one-sided view where you can set how to view the book in your PDF-reader. If you don't know which one that suits your PDF-reader best, download both to see which one you prefer!

Use this link to see the fixed-spread version of the PDF and download it.

Use this link to see the one-sided version of the PDF and download it.

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About the book

There is no one right way to work inclusively, but the new book The Inclusive Co-Creative Ensemble, offers you a starting point for realising your inclusive work within music. The book can be used as an advisor, a toolkit, springboard or just a friendly hand to hold on to when stepping into the creative world of inclusive artistic work.

The book is based on approaches used at ShareMusic & Performing Arts, with a focus on methods developed by Irish composer Karen Power and refined in her Natural Creators programme. The aim is to inspire you to take this work further so that more inclusive ensembles are formed. Knowledge and tools are shared in hope that more people dare to try, to challenge — to break down boundaries and hierarchies! — and question: What is an ensemble and what can an ensemble be?  

Whether you want to form an inclusive ensemble with the goal of performing at any and all contemporary music festivals or work with ensemble playing in your preschool class, the book presents a number of concrete tools. Tools that you, yourself, can further develop and adapt based on your work. A fundamental approach is to regard inclusive artistic work as a way of meeting from different perspectives. The book The Inclusive Co-Creative Ensemble aims to enable you to start your work now, at any level — explore, create and develop together.

The book project The Inclusive Co-Creative Ensemble was made possible through funding by the Foundation Signatur.


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